"So what did you particularly like about the exhibition?" asked the young lady on the till. "Erm..... I particularly the erm.... the contrast between the scale and the erm.... " The rest of the transaction was conducted in embarrassed silence amplified by my lack of art vocabulary.
Let's try again. I was try to describe my impression of the image 'HIDDEN'. There is a stark contrast between the abandoned jet aircraft and it's it's unlikely location on moorland under a dark and threatening sky.
It was the first image that caught my eye as I entered an exhibition that has returned to Newcastle upon Tyne, 20 years after it was first shown.
Futureland Now 'continues to question the post industrial photographic aesthetic and 'industrial sublime'...... (the photographers) photographic landscapes invoke the language of the sublime to explore the the current post-industrial period of uncertainty and, potentially, seismic change.
Some of the images I felt to be of monumental scale and clearly conveyed a sense of awe and granduer of things man made.
Whilst I understand the rationale behind semaphore images I thought the number of these made them repetitive. Ditto the men in red jackets....